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“学读歌词,注意生词:rubbish, bin.”经过搜索的结果栏目小编整理了一些与好词好句七年级上册摘抄相关的信息,沟通可以帮助人们解决情感问题,微博里也能看到好句分享。很多悠长的句子让人深深地感动,我衷心希望这些句子能够为你们提供一些实用的指导!


1、Enable the students to ask questions about personal information.

2、Does he look cool? …

3、Show the pictures2. Ask some questions to check the understanding 1. Read the pictures quickly.2. Answer questions a:What does Spotty want to do ?3.Read again and answer questions.a:Who want to buy things ?b:Does he have any money?c:Who gives him the money? d:Who will carry all the bags ?4.Act out the conversation

4、This month(这个月,不用介词) you will have a lot to celebrate.

5、Young people like to wear trainers because they are ____________


7、start to run 开始跑

8、She is crying with her hand on her stomach.

9、学读歌词,注意生词:rubbish, bin.

10、她必须等绿灯吗? ________she _________ ________ the green light.

11、on your left/right 在你的左/右边

12、Shall we start our lesson now? 我们现在开始上课吧?

13、all of us 我们所有人


15、毫不犹豫地 without hesitation

16、a shopping centre 购物中心

17、你在聚会上感觉怎么样?________ ________ you ________ _______ the party?

18、Ask the Ss to design their profiles and stick their profiles on the wall . Choose five best ones .

19、It is silly of you not to forgive others for their faults.

20、I don’t think he would be able to(=can) organize things well.

21、listen to music 听音乐

22、bread read ( ) 2. head breakfast ( ) 3.pear near ( )


23、It says I’ll have lots to eat and drink today. (报纸、杂志、牌子、广告等上写着用 says)

24、an instruction book


26、Mr Wu spends a lot of time explaining things to us.

27、have black hair in a ponytail

28、make snowmen 做雪人

29、我经常和爸爸在图书馆看英语报纸。你呢?I often ________ English newspapers ________ my father ________ the library . _________ __________ you ?


31、a telephone number 电话号码

32、Enable the students to establish and

33、You shouldn’t worry about not having breakfast. (担心没有早饭吃) (worry about (not) doing sth. 担心(不)做某事,动名词的否定形式是在动名词前面加not)

34、T: Guess and say巩固这些词组。示图片反面让学生猜图上的单词。

35、jog to school 慢跑去学校


37、have one cousin

38、to encourage students to help others.

39、Teacher gives the students some questions according to the two profiles, and asks them to answer.

40、keep one’s word/promisexy596.cOM

41、The mall opens from 9a.m. to 10p.m..

42、Listen to the tape and read after the tape.

43、He even got full marks(得满分) once in an English test.

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