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“Let the campus become green palace.”你见过哪些让人难忘的句子呢?有时候一句话比长篇大论更容易切中要害,栏目小编收集了大量资料整理出了《关于环保的好词好句英语》,这个观点很有见地值得和你的朋友们一起探讨!


1、The beauty of my campus focuses on every move.

2、Life is a game of chess, and happiness is to invest

3、Birds yearn for clean skies, and human beings yearn for green homes.

4、Treasure resources, sustainable use.

5、The grass is green, the foot.

6、I want someone who knows how completely insane i am and yet wouldn't want me any other way. 我希望找到这样一个人,即使他知道我有多么疯狂,也不愿意让我变成另外一个模样。

7、One footprint, one more fragrance.

8、Protect water environment and save water resources.

9、I am planning to 我打算

10、We shuld plant re and re trees in rder t live better and re health in the future.

11、ent has been one of the most difficult problem in the ething must be done to stop the pollution.人类必须采取一些措施来制止污染。

12、Let the green see, let the green hear.

13、The wind of environmental protection, welcome a better tomorrow.

14、It's ur dut t prtect ur envirnent。

15、Protecting environment is protecting productivity.

16、Environmental protection starts with me.

17、No one can live ter and more healthy in the future.为了将来我们的生活过得更好、更加健康我们应该种更多的树。

18、Please your feet around the grass, smile to you.

19、Blood is thicker than water。血浓于水。

20、You can fake a smile,but you can’t fake your feelings。

21、life may bring you down, but it's your choice to get back up or just stay down. 生活可能会把你打倒,但你可以选择爬起来继续战斗,或者是一蹶不振。


22、Care plants,please.请爱护花草

23、eep the envirent clean and tid.We have nl ne earth.We shuld tr ur best t pretect it,ae ur he re and re beautiful.

24、Your dream is not what you find in your sleep but what makes you not sleep. 所谓梦想,不是你睡觉时梦到了什么,而是想到了什么令你激动得没法睡觉。XY596.Com


26、Life is just a moment in eternity


28、Maybe life is just a glass of water

29、We should continue initiating some constructive initiatives, such as Car Free Day and it like, in promoting green transportation and bringing about cleaner air.


31、Don't regret when the green is gone.

32、Let the campus become green palace.

33、Protect the green cradle, you can, I can.

34、The aunt f water which is suitable t drin is less and less.

35、Give me a love, send you a piece of green.

36、never save something for a special occasion. every day in your life is a special day occasion. 千万不要把东西留在什么特殊的日子再用,其实生命中的每一天都是特殊的日子.


38、Save a drop of water today, leaving a drop of blood for posterity.

39、For posterity, please leave a pure land.

40、Its not work, but is worried

41、Don't look on the sidelines. Please join the ranks of actors.

42、We shuld nt spit in a public place/ cut dwn the trees.

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