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1、I must clench my teeth and make myself look brave.

2、Love is an illusion that is easy to be suspected. Once it is seen through, it will disappear automatically.

3、Crushed by reality. It is also a wonder that I have not abandoned all my ideals. Those ideals look so absurd and impractical.

4、Love, don't love. I've been saying goodbye.

5、People with faith should be happy, because not everyone has the talent to believe in things in heaven.

6、But happiness is too simple, so it is easy to break.

7、There was an abyss lurking in her heart, and there was no sound when she threw down the boulder.

8、Time is a good medicine for healing wounds.

9、The pain of parting and disappointment has lost its voice.

10、No matter who he is, as long as he is happy, he can make others happy. People with courage and sincere faith will never die in misfortune!

11、He may have taken the wrong medicine today. His attitude towards me is sweeter than honey.

12、The flying seagulls and other birds shone silver, and the dew glistened on the bare chestnut trees.

13、Why does she have to force me to be religious, just like herself?

14、People with faith are happy, because not everyone is born to believe in noble things.


16、We can be disappointed, but we can't be blind.




19、Those beautiful little fish, they sleep with their eyes open. Don't need love and never cry. They are my role models.

20、I'm confused and confused now.

21、There is no happiness when you should laugh, no tears when you should cry, and no promise when you should believe.

22、People can tell you to shut up, but they can never stop you from having your own opinion.

23、The bird's wings vibrate in the air. It was a loud and chilly voice full of fear. A flow of uncertain destination.

24、I'm probably a bird. Full of vigilance, not easy to stay. So I've been flying.

25、Cheer up, cheer up, things will get better.

26、Work, love, courage and hope support me and help me to be good.


28、The wound is the disgrace given by others and the illusion of persistence.

29、Hope and expectation bring tension, and so does fear.

30、I want to live, even after I die!

31、In this world, all people with true temperament always have different ideas.

32、Fingers will not move, tears will not flow, time will not go.

33、Only by changing myself, I don't have to listen to the accusations that make me lose.

34、A person will be lonely even if he is loved by many people, because he is not the only one for anyone.


35、It turned upside down overnight. I can't stand accusations and quarrels. I was unprepared and had to talk back to maintain my dignity.

36、Courage and happiness are the first needs!

37、Deep down, young people are more lonely than adults.

38、Sometimes when I lie in bed at night, I especially strongly want to touch my chest and listen to my heart beating quietly and rhythmically.

39、Always need some warmth. Even a little self righteous commemoration.

40、Men don't love women. They just need women.

41、A woman's loneliness is so vulnerable. If a man reaches out to me.

42、No matter what the environment, every sad soul can find its comfort. I firmly believe that nature will bring comfort to all suffering.

43、Why do some people have to starve to death, but there are things that can't be eaten in other parts of the world that rot there? Oh, why are people so crazy?

44、When a woman is looking at the sky, she doesn't want to look for anything. She's just lonely.

45、Maybe love is just because of loneliness. Need to find someone to love. Even if there is no ending.

46、Feelings are sometimes just a person's thing. It has nothing to do with anyone. Love, or do not love, can only end by itself.

47、Anyway, I always believe that the world is beautiful.

48、If his fingers are hot. It doesn't really matter to me who she is.

49、I feel a little confident, because I can capture everything, my thoughts, my ideals and my fantasies as soon as I pick up my pen.

50、The heat and suspense filled us with fear and silence.

51、I swear to her, no matter what, I will stick to it, don't shed tears and find my own way.

52、Those who are easy to hurt others and themselves are always vague about the edge of distance.

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