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“His stupor began to lighten.(他的睡意开始减轻。)。”网络发展让我们更加乐意分享,分享心情短句可以使你感到更加真实和自由。阅读这些句子,让我们感同身受,有哪些句子被称为名家笔耕的经典之作?本篇文章是小雨596编辑为大家整理的关于“英语适合摘抄的句子”的内容,通过这些句子我们希望能为您呈现出关于相关主题更详尽的信息!

1、Why have not we an immortal soul?(为什么我们得不到一个不灭的灵魂呢?)

2、Theindividual behavior of game player how can impute to enterprise?(游戏玩家的个人行为怎么能转嫁给企业?。)

3、Buy a little hunk of dry ice from a local ice house.(从一个当地冰店买一些大块的干冰。)

4、The general walked in front of the regiment again with his quivering strut, and scanned it from some distance.(团长又用那微微发抖的步态走到兵团的前面,从远处望它一眼。)

5、fuzzy animal like a cat, dog, or even a ferret makes a great companion and confers health benefits.(小猫小狗或雪貂这种毛茸茸的动物都是不错的伙伴,对人的健康很有好处。)

6、Growth is a process of constant adaptation process is a grievance, more is a kind of fun.(成长的过程是一个不断适应的过程,是一种委屈,更是一种乐趣。)

7、Will he suffocate their faith?(他会将自己的信仰扼杀么?)

8、This paper presents a HMM Local Optimal state Path-based Data Imputation (LOPDI) algorithm.(该文提出了基于隐马尔可夫模型局部最优状态路径的数据重建(LOPDI)算法。)

9、The nation boasts veins of coal, iron ore, limestone, magnesite, graphite, copper, zinc, lead and precious metals.(这个国家拥有煤炭、铁矿石、石灰石、菱镁矿、石墨、铜、锌、铅和贵金属等矿脉。)

10、Some memories (especially negative ones) can suffocate you.(有些回忆(特别是负面的)会令你窒息。)

11、Wang started to be a grouch.(小王开始对所有的事怒目相斥。)

12、In combination single imputation of missing data with multiple imputation, a new missing data imputation—KNNMI is proposed.(综合数据缺失值的单一填补和多重填补方法,提出一种新的信用指标缺失值填补方法—KNNMI。)

13、Bilige, a herdsman in Erdos city in Inner Mongolia, has to rely on an eight-meter-deep well for irrigating his cornfield.(毕力格,内蒙古鄂尔多斯市牧民,依靠一口8米深的井灌溉玉米地。)

14、Recently this has included methane odors in San Diego, a huge fissure in Arizona, and yet another Mississippi bridge needing repair.(最近这包括圣地亚哥的甲烷气味,亚利桑那的巨大裂缝,还有密西西比河上另一座桥需要修理。)

15、"But don't peel your apple-two-thirds of the fiber and lots of antioxidants are found in the skin," says Grotto.(“但是不要削皮,有三分之二的纤维和大量的抗氧化剂在果皮中,”格罗泰说。)

16、The presence of empathy and helping behaviour even in infancy is suggestive of an innate capacity to behave in a prosocial manner.(同情心与助人心理在婴儿时期便已出现,说明“亲社会”行为其实是一种天性。)

17、may acknowledge this to a daughter whom I know to be philosophical enough to understand my indifference, and not to impute it to me as a crime.(这一点,对象你这样的一个女儿,我不妨承认,因为你有哲学家的风度,足可以理解我的淡漠,不会把它视作一种罪名。)

18、The era of good feelings associated with the heyday of globalisation has gone for ever.(那个随着全球化的鼎盛期到来的美好时代一去不返。)

19、Look , I got a broken hilt and the stupid Bag of Tricks .(你看,我仅有一把断柄剑和这个愚蠢的魔术袋。)

20、It concludes the stratum situation and economic relationships in Britain in her century.(它总结了地层情况和英国的经济关系,她的世纪。)

21、The worst results cannot faze him.(最坏的结果也不会使他烦恼。)

22、I'll be using Apache Jakarta Tomcat, and I've created a context called groove. The directory layout is shown in Listing 3.(我将使用ApacheJakartaTomcat,并且已创建了一个名为groove的上下文。)

23、Results verify that this control stratagem has some control results and this stratagem is correct and effective.(结果表明,该控制方法具有一定的控制效果,证明了此方法的合理、有效性。)

24、But a growing number of leading Leonardo scholars agree the work is almost certainly by the Renaissance figurehead because it appears to have his fingerprint on it.(然而,因为该画作上有一枚似乎属于达·芬奇的指纹,越来越多著名的达·芬奇学家同意,几乎可以肯定这幅作品出自那位文艺复兴时期代表人物之手。)

25、The nosewheel strut USES a single heavy-duty bungee for shock absorbency.(在前轮支撑蹦极使用税为吸收冲击单重。)

26、His stupor began to lighten.(他的睡意开始减轻。)

27、For simplicity, the stock information is stored in a hash map.(为了简单起见,该股票信息存储在散列图中。)

28、The sunder armor debuff seems completely independent of the hate it generates.(破甲技能生成的减益状态与它产生的仇恨没有任何关系。)

29、Imagine climbing diamond mountains, or hiking around the graphite shores of a lake of tar.(想象一下去攀登一个钻石山,或是去一个石墨围岸的焦油湖畔远游。)

30、But that FIG leaf has since blown away.(但是那片遮羞布被吹走了。)

31、w, this is the way to gripe .(听好了,这才是抱怨的正确方法。)

32、They dared not tolerate errors fatal to their own souls, and set an example which would imperil the faith of their children and children's children.(他们不敢容忍任何对灵性有致命之害的谬道,也不敢留下一个足以危及子子孙孙信仰的榜样。)

33、One person bumped into me as a feint while the other stole my wallet.(一个人撞了我一下作掩护,而另一个人偷了我的钱包。)

34、But, I believed that, all these cannot merely impute to the computer games existence.(但是,我认为,这一切都不能仅仅归罪于电脑游戏的存在。)

35、Also, mice that have been genetically engineered to lack the gene engage in a number of behaviors suggestive of autism, she said.(还有,经遗传工程处理过的缺少rora基因的老鼠证明了若干种使人联想到自闭症行为,她说。)

36、was afraid you were going to fixate on that Mars Rover incident.(我还怕你会抓着火星探测器那件事不放呢!)

37、What constraint, what limitation, what submission to form!(哪要形成什么约束、什么限制、什么服从!)

38、Grievance makes us miserable - forgiveness set us free.(抱怨让我们痛苦,原谅使我们自由。)

39、From a distinctive Angle, the figurative paintings solidly record this special period in history and are thought-provoking.(众生相系列从独特的角度真实地记录了那段特殊的历史,并启发人们思考。)

40、In recent years, the succor of poverty-stricken college students has become a hot issue, which has attracted great concern of the society.(贫困生救助问题是近几年广受社会关注的热点问题。)

41、Reasonable imputation ensures the stability of the coalition, so they can cooperate continuously.(合理的分配能够保证所形成联盟的稳定,使之继续合作下去。)

42、Efficient scale Inhibitor GL-62: it can prevent circulating water system from scale incrustation.(高效阻垢剂GL-62可以防止循环水系统产生水垢。)

43、Neil told me he's looking for me to be a figurehead in the team.(奈尔告诉我,他希望我成为球队中的领军人物。)

44、You’ll undoubtedly learn more about what kind of device is inside that suggestive attache.(你肯定能了解到更多关于那个让人们浮想联翩的工具箱里到底有些什么设备。)

45、So most bacteria go the fermentation route.(绝大多数的细菌一般都是用发酵的方法。)

46、Taxes will suffocate the dwindling population of young workers.(税收会窒息人口数量日益缩小的年轻工人。)

47、Reluctantly Suzuki obeys and, with her mistress, proceeds to strew the blossoms all over the room.(铃木不情愿地照办了,她们两人把花撒遍整个房间。)

48、Instantly through it slipped, easily and without pain, notwithstanding the grating was pretty large and thick.(尽管铁栅栏看起来又大又厚,可他却毫不费力地滑了过去。)

49、As of today, no new cases suggestive of H5N1 infection have been detected since 22 May.(5月22日至今天,未发现新病例提示H5N1感染。)

50、You can also sit in a tea cup at the Mad Hatter's tea Party, visit Cinderella in her Castle or Ariel in her Grotto.(你也可以坐在迈德·哈特茶会上的茶杯里,在城堡里参观灰姑娘或在洞室里参观空气般的精灵。)

51、have seen a grievous evil under the sun: wealth hoarded to the harm of its owner.(我见日光之下,有一宗大祸患:就是财主积存资财,反害自己。)

52、The glue, the key to identity across time for cars, is being the same hunk of stuff.(粘质,作为贯穿时间的车,其质的关键,就是要保持原来的这一大块。)

53、These layers are called strata and a single layer is called a stratum.(这些岩层被称作地层(strata)(stratum的复数形式),单个岩层称为stratum。)

54、herdsman tending his flock in a forest lost a Bull-calf from the fold.(牧人在树林中放牛,不幸丢失了一头离群的小牛犊。)

55、new formulation for removal of incrustation on aluminium heater surface is proposed.(提出一种清除铝换热器表面水垢的新配方,该配方由有机磷酸和硝酸组成。)

56、The hotel had an air of faded grandeur.(这家饭店给人一种繁华已逝的感觉。)

57、Succor started right away.(紧接着救援活动开始。)

58、Imputation basis and imputation element are two concepts with close relations as well as subtle differences.(民事责任的归责基础和归责要素是两个既有区别又有联系的概念。)

59、The energy of interaction is not favorable.(相互作用的能量是不利的。)

60、Fault presumption at the same time balancing the fairness responsibility is the imputation principle of civil liability for service deflects.(服务缺陷民事责任适用过错推定同时兼顾公平责任的归责原则。)

61、He's always having a grouch about something.(他总是发脾气抱怨这个抱怨那个。)

62、Filipinos love to strut their wares in front of spectators.(菲律宾爱支撑他们的商品在前面的观众。)

63、Conclusions: Anastomotic stricture, stones and obstruction are the major causes of reoperation.(结论:吻合口狭窄结石梗阻是再手术的主要原因。)

64、There are around three million sheets of graphene in a millimetre-thick layer of graphite.(一毫米厚的碳层里大约有三百万个石墨烯。)

65、The heyday of the coal market is far from over.(煤炭市场全盛时期的结束还离我们很远。)

66、We want there to be souls so that we can be immortal.(我们希望有灵魂那么我们可以长生不死。)

67、The third and equally important principle, awkwardly named , was impute . It emphasized that people form an opinion about a company or product based on the signals that it conveys.(第三个很重要的原则名称有些奇怪,叫灌输,这个原则强调的是人们对一个公司和产品的看法主要基于它所传递的信号。)

68、Mainly studied the prediction model of sulfur deposition in the stratum and transient well test of sour gas well.(主要研究分析了元素硫在地层中沉积的预测模型的建立以及含硫气井的不稳定试井解释方法。)

69、The festive spirit is not so evident on the other side of the Atlantic.(在大西洋彼岸,这种喜庆的精神却不十分明显。)

70、The Herald newspaper said that a "massive" turnout was a slap in the face for critics of the poll.(津巴布韦论坛报报导说,大量津巴布韦选民出来投票给了那些批评这次选举的人一记耳光。)

71、From a cave in southwestern Germany, archaeologists have unearthed the oldest known piece of figurative art.(在德国西南部的一个山洞里,考古学家们发现了一件年代久远的象征艺术作品。)

72、After New Year's, I was sitting at the breakfast table in a stupor. My husband asked if I was all right.(在新年以后的,我坐在早餐桌昏迷过去。我的丈夫问我怎么回事。)

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