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“He doesn't wake up grumpy.(他不会坏脾气地醒来。)。”大家会把看到的句子分享出来。句子是语言的交互是情感的互动,哪些短句让你难忘呢?通过查询编辑找到了英语好句子摘抄的相关报道,我们希望本页上的句子能为您提供有用的提示!

1、Next time - goggle in wonder as a speccy bloke does some wiring…(接下来的时间-想知道镜中的speccy小子并不一些电线…)

2、He doesn't wake up grumpy.(他不会坏脾气地醒来。)

3、This is a masterpiece in fresco.(这是一幅壁画法的杰作。)

4、This fresco is typical of the painter's early manner.(这幅壁画法是这个画家典型的早期风格。)

5、The ties of family seem stronger than the oaths of fealty.(家族之绊似乎胜过忠诚之誓。)

6、It is in the yellow and black waves that a red jacket is so striking and finery that it could catch my eyeballs tightly.(不过,就是在这一片黄色与黑色相间的海洋中,一件色彩鲜艳格外醒目的红衬衫却紧紧地吸引住了我的眼球。)

7、It is also interesting to see how that Neolithic-age fresco is in compliance with today's architectural trends.(同时,一探究竟,看看新石器时代的壁画是如何与现今的建筑发展趋势相契合的?也将非常有趣。)

8、In one case Intel is said to have paid a retailer to forgo AMD chips altogether.(在一个案例中英特尔被认为给了一家零售商钱,让他不要使用AMD的芯片。)

9、Nannied by the world's most generous welfare systems, they squeal like spoiled children when asked to give up a few of their toys.(他们被世界上最慷慨的福利制度下养育,而当要求放弃一些玩具时,他们就像被宠坏的孩子一样尖叫着。)

10、We watched the stars arriving for the awards ceremony dressed up in all their finery.(我们看着明星们打扮得雍容华贵,来到了颁奖典礼。)

11、He swore fealty to his motherland.(他宣誓效忠祖国。)

12、From this list you can use the old models to find new unified INA and FAG.(从这一列表你可以使用旧的型号来找到新统一的ina和fag型号。)

13、But what we'll do, just to foreshadow a little bit, what I'll do at the beginning of the next lecture is what's at the end of your notes here.(给大家一个提示,我们下节课开始要讲的将是,你们讲义上这部分的最后。)

14、Yes. Let me have a cheeseburger, a fillet-o-fish, two medium cokes, and one large fries.(是的。给我一个起司堡、一个麦香鱼堡、两杯中杯可乐和一份大薯条。)

15、If your site contains only a handful of pages, it is faster and cheaper to forgo XML.(如果您的站点只包含几个页面,那么不使用XML会更快且更廉价。)

16、They sing hymns to glorify God.(他们唱圣诗赞美神。)

17、Everyone was too panic-stricken to think of a little girl no one was fond of.(大家都吓坏了,顾不上一个谁也不喜欢的小女孩。)

18、More important than Miss Ha’s glee are the health benefits of a good water supply.(比起Ha小姐的高兴来说,更重要的是因有优质自来水供应所带来的健康价值。)

19、Enterprises with foresight should give top priority to training.(有眼光的企业应该把培训放在重要位置。)

20、The result is the definition for the finery symbol is made, and the full condition of the finery symbolism is pointed out.(分析结果是为服装符号做出定义,并指出服装符号化的充分条件。)

21、One day betenoire will be just a frisky dog or a flighty horse, an enjoyable and loyal companion, only occasionally causing a slight pain in the neck.(有一天,你的“可怕之处”将只是一条欢闹小狗,或一匹轻浮的马,一位愉快和忠实的伴侣,只会在偶尔才引起的脖子上轻微疼痛。)

22、Apple's decision to make this feature free could foreshadow other features that are currently hidden behind the Mobile Me paywall.(苹果免费提供此项特色服务的决定可能预示MobileMe收费程序中的其他特色服务将来可能会免费。)

23、Steve was still in his firebrand phase. He scared the timber folks and made them mad.(史蒂夫在当时还处于火爆脾气的阶段,他把伐木工人吓唬了一顿,让他们大为气恼。)

24、His brutal reign would foreshadow the arrival of the Spanish warriors called Conquistadors who would plunder and destroy the large, wealthy Aztec, Incan, and Mayan civilizations.(他的残暴统治预示了所谓的“西班牙征服者”将对幅员辽阔,物资丰饶的阿兹特克、印加和玛雅文明进行的毁灭。)

25、It all starts with the vision that you glorify in your mind.(一切都始于你心目中美好的想象。)

26、It's too much of a fag to go out.(外出活动真叫人吃不消。)

27、There are few people who welcomed the invention of automatic spell-check with more glee than I.(不会有人比我对自动检测拼写发明更加高兴了。)

28、And a Fresco Crunchy Taco has 150 calories, 7 grams of fat and 7 grams of protein.(而一个弗莱斯科松脆玉米饼则有150卡路里热量、7克脂肪及7克蛋白质。)

29、The paper reappeared again in front of me, but new corrections made me goggle.(稿纸再一次出现在我面前,但新的改动让我傻了眼。)

30、So they made ready with speed, and in great glee started off on foot to visit their mothers.(于是,她们迅速做好准备,兴高采烈地步行去探望母亲。)

31、But, if they seek to glorify God, let them not lift heavenward their unclean hands!(不过,要是他们追求为上帝增辉添光,那就不要把肮脏的双手朝天举起吧!)

32、Start with single arm fly, breathing low on every stroke, with one goggle in the water, using a straight arm recovery to simulate butterfly.(开始以单臂飞,呼吸每一拍,低一睁眼浸在水里,用直臂开始模拟的蝴蝶。)

33、licensee can agree to the terms and enjoy the prescribed permissions or forgo using the software.(被许可方可以同意条款并接受规定的权限,或者放弃使用软件。)

34、Listen to the anguished squeal of a dolphin separated from its pod or witness the sight of elephants mourning their dead.(听一听从海豚群中分离出来的痛苦尖叫,或者亲眼目睹大象为它们的死亡哀悼。)

35、To precede as an indication of what is to follow; foreshadow.(预先对即将发生之事进行暗示;预示。)

36、People came to it in finery and carriages to see.(到这里来看戏的,都是衣着华丽、马车接送的人。)

37、We anticipate that WISE is going to falsify or verify our conjecture.(我们期望的是,WISE太空望远镜将能证实或者否定我们的推论。)

38、Look for natural fabrics that have open weaves like high twist wools, fresco, linen and cotton.(找找天然的面料,比如通过稀松织法纺织的面料,像高捻毛线、丝织物、亚麻和棉。)

39、Her indiscretions happen regularly, in front of her children, and on camera. The Frisky: Cheating for the kids.(她暴躁的行为在孩子们面前,在镜头前面,都经常发生的。)

40、It has chosen to forgo keeping up with the "Joneses."(它选择放弃攀比。)

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