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1、Easter is not used to it, in fact, when we repent and believe, the life of Christ has been raised in our body, therefore it says "is no longer I live, is the Lord lives in me", what a classic mystery words! May the Lord bless our dear sister, and may the Lord make you full of the holy spirit of Christ, and all things are blessed by Christ! Amen!

2、Easter arrives, give oneself body and mind to take a holiday, let the body gently loosen, let the soul far away from the noise, pressure the greed and the impulse, return to natural peace and easy romance. Hehe resurrection scenery alone good, zhu you happy!

3、Miscommunications time for the main, the main road! Sad when close to the main, which was comforting! Looking tired when owners are the main power!

4、Falling in love with the Lord is the greatest romance; searching Him, the greatest adventure; finding HIM, the greatest achievement; and being with HIM, the greatest source of happiness. Happy Easter!爱上主是历史上最伟大的浪漫;搜索他,最伟大的冒险;找到他,他的最伟大的成就,和他相处,最大的幸福的源泉。复活节快乐!

5、i beg you to put your heart in your arm as if stamped with the seal of your faithful love. easter is coming drowned in the thousands of colorful egg and the rabbit jump festival, i wish you a happy!将你善良的心灵捧于双手,把诚挚的爱印上邮票。在复活节到来之际,让我们尽情沉醉在这千万只美丽的彩蛋与兔子蹦跳的季节里,祝愿你幸福!

6、Wash away the lead and return to simplicity, unmask the mask to be sincere, discard the worry to enjoy happiness, walk down the road, send the darkness to meet the light. Easter is coming, may you be a real person, happy person, successful person!

7、The troubles of the soul, let the happy rebirth, happiness will cover you; Wash away the sorrow of the years, let the good life be born again, good luck surround you; Wipe out the sorrow of life, let it be born again, and good luck will follow you. Easter, may you embrace happiness, comfort!

8、God says, the morning starts the good, the night ends the trouble, the weather brings happiness, the rain washed away the sadness, no matter rain or shine, no matter the prosperity, the happiness will be in the cycle. Happy Easter!

9、On Easter day, I will send you the eggs that I have prepared for you. I hope you can accept it, and I will give you a chance to be resurrected.

10、The flowers bloom and fade, the life will have hope, say goodbye to the sun yesterday, tomorrow will be more glorious, Easter is the new beginning, the future see you flash gold, I wish you a happy Easter.

11、Hope is born in disappointment, the way is in the suffering, the joy in the sorrow, the failure breeds success, the high end comes from the subtlety, the shame can also rebirth the glory. As long as you are full of love and faith, happiness is in your hands.

12、may not know where lifes road will lead you 你可能不知道。在那里,一生的道路将会引导你。But keep moving 但是继续前进。God is walking with you神是正与你们一同行走。

13、The morning opens the good, the night ends the trouble, the weather brings happiness, the rain washes away the sorrow, regardless of prosperity adversity, as long as the heart is good, hope will be raised. Happy Easter to you!

14、A glimpse of the new green awakening life, hoping to revive in the spring; A journey of the sun shining on the dream, hoping to be dense in the morning light; I hope to breathe in my heart. Easter, awakening all hope, tomorrow will be a different color. Please keep the liancom/zl/ reprint.

15、May the love of God always shine in your life, as you become a light for others 愿神的爱永远闪耀在你的生活中,当你成为一个光,也为别人着想。Have a pleasant day 有一个愉快的一天。God bless上帝保佑。

16、Lord almighty, please grant me a request: bless those who do not miss me and do not contact me, may they go to the toilet and find that the paper is gone... Ha ha, happy Easter!

17、God bless our dear sister pay, dictates you would like to have every Christian life full of the Holy Spirit, the grace of Christ Mongolia everything! Amen!

18、The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever 草必枯干,花必凋残,惟有我们神的话必永远立定。(Isaiah :) Happy Easter!(以赛亚书:)复活节快乐!

19、When spring leaves, summer comes back to life. When trouble leaves, happiness comes to life. When you are gone, your thoughts are resurrected. Easter is here. Remember the resurrection.


20、Is a good start in the morning and night is the end of the troubles, sunny day all the happiness, rain washed away all the sadness, regardless of sunny rain, regardless of the night in the morning, may the Lord bless you!

21、Faith gives you strength, strength to gain courage, courage to increase self-confidence, confidence to create new life. Easter, may you in the new world, embrace new life, create new life, open up new world!

22、Let the troubles disappear, let the bad luck disappear, let the sadness drift away, let the suffering disappear. Easter comes, may your phoenix nirvana, the fire rebirth, good luck to embrace you, life happiness forever and forever!

23、Wash the lead of the years, let the happy resurrection, happiness flow to the heart; To remove the pomp of life, to bring the auspicious resurrection to the heart; Easter to, may you bring back the smile, happy life, happy Easter!

24、Falling in love with the Lord is the greatest romance; searching Him, the greatest adventure; finding HIM, the greatest achievement; and being with HIM, the greatest source of happiness 爱上主是历史上最伟大的浪漫;搜索他,最伟大的冒险;找到他,他的最伟大的成就,和他相处,最大的幸福的源泉。Happy Easter!复活节快乐!

25、The flowers will fade, and the next year will be more splendid; Phoenix nirvana, the future can be reincarnated into the face; Experience the wind and rain, soon will see the appearance of the rainbow; After a failure, tomorrow will be the peak of success. Easter, optimistic attitude towards life, happiness will come to the side!

26、What is misery? Don't say anything before the Lord! May my soul be raised by the Lord to use the glory of life!

27、The sun will rise again in the west; Autumn leaves wither, and will come again in the spring; Rock bottom, and then climb again. If faith does not die, it can be born again. Indomitable, it can be changed. Easter, may you wish to live forever, the ideal is forever, happiness is stored.

28、To the revival of withered trees again, failed to work back to life, let heart back to life, boring, loss of memory resurrected, Easter, happy Easter to relatives and friends.

29、We enjoy the dull life, but we can't tolerate our mediocrity. We can't help but enjoy the rainbow when we avoid the storm. We desire to transcend the ordinary self of yesterday. Today is Easter, let us promise, tomorrow must have a better life!

30、beg you to put your heart in your arm as if stamped with the seal of your faithful love is better than no water to put out the dead people Easter is coming-not drowned in the thousands of colorful egg and the rabbit jump festival, I wish you a happy!

31、Legend has it that the miracle of resurrection is a miracle for more than two thousand years, and you are my miracle, the day that you appear, is my Easter, I wish a happy Easter!

32、If you think you are bored right now, look up at the stars in the sky. One of the brightest and brightest is our Lord Jesus. He is watching you. He wants you to be happy and safe!

33、Way of distress, plain and obstacles, should not cause you upset loss, because the Lord is to be sitting right beside when painful and sad, when you are lost, the nerve to his promise will become your help, call your soul rest in peace!

34、really pity God for giving me the peace and joy bears Aolian me when I mostly ill treatment? What is suffering? Needless to say anything in the main before!

35、Today is another day of victory. We go to the forest park to preach the Gospel. The Lord looks after many people to be attracted to him.

36、Double ears to hear words of god, the movie has a mouth praise the Lord, cross bleeding salvation, the kingdom of heaven is more than his brother, the millennium xi rich without cover, water grass cover two people together, there is water two phase may have grass, guess seven words in my mind!

37、It is the great revival of the main capabilities, the things he has given us is not useless

38、mater how softly you whisper a prayer, God surely listens, understands and knows the hopes and fears you keep in your heart 无论多么轻柔的低语的祷告,神必定听,理解并知道希望和恐惧你保持在你心中的地位。For when you trust in His love, miracles happen!因为当你信任他的爱,奇迹就会发生!

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