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“Do you freckle easily?(你容易长雀斑吗?)。”随着信息技术的快速发展,交流变得更加便捷,网上传播着很多祝福语、名言、警句、段子这样的句子。句子也可以成为大家分享的工具,小雨596的编辑带来了关于“英语的好词好句短句”的全面分析,盼愿这些观点能够为您带来一些新的思维方式!

1、First, they squirt a trunkful of cool water over their bodies.(首先,他们把一桶凉水喷到身上。)

2、Maybe, on a particularly grumpy day, you want to lower that discount to 10%.(也许,某一天您心情不好,希望将折扣降到10%。)

3、The funniest feature of the penguin is, no doubt, its walk, or“waddle.”But it is this waddle that allows penguins to tolerate their bitterly cold habitat.(企鹅最有趣的一项特征,莫过于他们走路的方式,或者说他们“摇摆行走”的样子。但正是靠着这种摇摇摆摆的样子,企鹅才得以承受其栖息地的酷寒气候。)

4、As we go through life we have relationships that don't work out, jobs that just aren't right, exams that we flunk, initiatives that don't succeed.(这一生,我们总会遇到纠缠不清的的人际关系、不甚满意的工作、未通过的考试,或者不曾实现的计划。)

5、Panic-stricken at the thought of losing Wendy, the lost boys had advanced upon her threateningly.(那些丢失的孩子们担心温迪就要走了,就向她逼近,威胁她。)

6、The whole comprehensive evaluation contain obvious exaltation.(整体综合评价有明显提高。)

7、Anyone else strangely reminded of Kurt doing Victor Victoria in Glee the other week?(没有任何人会想到有一周的《欢乐合唱团》里的库尔特学的《雌雄莫辨》吗?)

8、All right, so "the Other Ted" is frisky and wants to add a new file in the master branch (roughly equivalent to SVN's TRUNK) and also make a new branch with some changes to the gdbinit file.(好的,现在让我们将一个新文件添加到主分支中(相当于SVN的TRUNK)并通过对gdbinit文件作出一些修改来生成一个新分支。)

9、He took an oath of fealty to the king.(他宣誓对国王效忠。)

10、think my frisky cat would die of fright if I had that thing hanging in my room.(如果我把它挂在我的房间里,我觉得我活泼的小猫会受到惊吓而死。)

11、fourth idea raised in the book is that individuals naturally gravitate toward what is most meaningful and deeply significant.(第四个想法在书中提出的是,个人自然倾向于什么是最有意义的和具有深远意义。)

12、Once again, though, they are being dragged into the fray.(虽然他们被再次拖入到这场纷争中。)

13、In her top three are True Blood, Glee and Modern Family.(前三甲分别是《真爱如血》、《欢乐合唱团》和《当代家庭》。)

14、Great! I like football, too. When the match is on, I'll stick on the goggle-box and forget all about my meals!(太棒了!我也喜欢足球。每逢比赛,我就粘在电视机前把吃饭的事都忘得干干净净。)

15、Twenty-two years ago, state lawmakers swore fealty not to king or queen but to amusement parks and tourism.(22年前,州议员宣誓不效忠于国王或王后,而要效忠于游乐园与旅游业。)

16、Having a stock of readymade vector images is a shortcut. If you are a designing greenhorn or an old hand, check out these ten resources for some inspiration and free vector art downloads.(不管你是设计新手还是老手,都推荐你看看这十大矢量图片资源网站,来找找灵感和免费矢量图片。)

17、Fractional reserves expand the money supply, which, until the age of Keynes and Fisher, was called inflation.(部分准备金制度扩大了货币供应,而直到凯恩斯和菲舍尔之前的时代,这一现象一直被称为通货膨胀。)

18、But on this trip, I went native, stayed in the shade and returned home delighted not to have gained a single freckle.(但是在这次旅行中,我学本地人躲在阴凉的地方,回到家里的时候很高地兴发现,自己没有增加一块色斑。)

19、Tracy Gill averred, with a squeal, that she’d just read “The Bell Jar.”(特莱西-吉尔发出一声尖叫证明她刚刚读过《钟形玻璃罐》。)

20、The beer ran into the jug and Catherine stood looking on.(啤酒流入壶中,凯瑟琳站在一旁看着。)

21、He put a fillet steak in the bun.(他把一片无骨牛排放进小圆面包里。)

22、The documentary style further complicates things, as Gabe (Allen) and Judy (Farrow) start to come to terms with the decline of their marriage after close friends of theirs announce plans for divorce.(影片的纪实风格使情节愈发的难懂,当盖布(艾伦扮演)和朱迪(费勒扮演)的亲密好友向他们宣告了离婚的消息,他们二人也开始向自己渐渐衰亡的婚姻妥协。)

23、You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.(你们这瞎眼领路的,蠓虫你们就滤出来,骆驼你们倒吞下去。)

24、The company has been trying to strengthen its foothold in Asia for some time.(在相当一段时期内,通用公司一直试图巩固它在亚洲的地位。)

25、She had just that day begun the first of many well-publicized diets: an all-liquid regimen that left her grumpy.(她刚刚开始采用诸多广为人知的减肥食谱的第一项:全流食养生法,这让她脾气暴躁。)

26、Do you freckle easily?(你容易长雀斑吗?)

27、You glorify them. They're not movie stars.(你美化了他们。他们不是电影明星。)

28、Gift CARDS are convenient and ubiquitous.(礼品卡是最便捷的也是最普遍的。)

29、The fainthearted boy was too scared to fight the older boy who bullied him.(这个胆小的男孩很害怕,不敢与欺负他的大男孩打架。)

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