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1、As we have seen above, however, fractional-reserve bank deposits are in no sense "insurable."(然而,正如我们以上所见,部分准备金银行的存款没有任何“可保”的理由。)

2、Any stable strategic system in Asia must take account of the fact that Japan cannot and should not be expected to forswear forever the strategic rights and responsibilities of nationhood.(亚洲地区任何稳定的战略体系都必须考虑一个事实,就是不可能也不应该要求日本永远放弃作为一个国家应有的战略权利和责任。)

3、Borage is also used as a flavoring in yogurt, cream, and vinaigrettes.(琉璃苣并且用作为香料在酸奶、奶油、和香醋里。)


5、Of course the whole science symbol is testing hypothesis and hoping someone would say to falsify them.(当然,整个科学符号都是测试假设,和希望有人能证明其为假。)

6、hung there, scrabbling with my feet to find a foothold.(我吊在那儿,两脚乱蹬着以寻找落脚点。)

7、Through competition, it can make commercial bank relocation funds, adjusting capital construction, exaltation assets quantity.(通过竞争,可以使商业银行重新配置资金、调整资本结构、提高资产质量。)

8、For the consumer looking at a frozen tilapia fillet, "the first line of defense is visibility," he says.(消费者选罗非鱼片的时候,“首先是用眼看,”他说。)

9、Foodstuff: cocoa, coffee, milk powder, juice of granule, flavoring and so on.(食品工业的造粒:可可、咖啡、奶粉、颗粒果汁、调味品等。)

10、Anybody still using floppy disk?(A:现在还有人使用软盘吗?)

11、Finally, consistent with the reason why lenders prefer IOs, these mortgages are more likely to be repaid earlier or foreclose.(最后,同出借方更喜欢IOS的理由相一致,这些按揭更有可能被提前偿还或者取消赎回权。)

12、His face was covered with grime and sweat.(他的脸满是污垢与汗水。)

13、If you don't keep on studying you'll flunk out.(如果你不一直念书,你就会留级。)

14、Together they are not only a great combination for flavoring food but also for preserving it too.(连同他们不仅是一个伟大的组合调味食品,而且也为维护它。)

15、Those like me who didn't have the gumption to do the same were left to stand or sit on the floor.(其他和我一样,没有“进取心”的人们都拉在了后面,只能站或坐在地上。)

16、He was glad that he liked the country undecorated, hard, and stripped of its finery.(他很高兴自己喜欢这个不加装饰、粗犷、褪下华服的乡下。)

17、Remember what should be remembered,and forget what should be forgottenAlter what is changeable,and accept what is unchangeable

18、Mom doesn't want to be boss, but she has to because dads such a goof ball.(妈妈本不想说了算,可她必须这么做因为爸爸实在是个呆瓜。)

19、Ben Manibag: Why? You a fag or something?(班:怎么着?难道你是弯的?)

20、"I suspect the bank wanted to foreclose because we were so near to paying off the mortgage," says Mark.(马克说,“因为我们已经非常接付清近抵押借款了,所以我猜测银行就是想取消我们的抵押品赎回权。”)

21、The hybrid breeders can provide plenty of fissile material for PWR or FBR.(聚变-裂变混合堆可以为压水堆或快堆提供充足的核燃料。)

22、It is the 'Capital's unilaterally judging and lead to falsify' class exploit 'conclusion and split society.(资本论第一卷就是站在单方面来判断才得出了错误的‘剥削’概念。)

23、His birth, background and eloquence, they believe, give him almost magical qualities.(他们认为,正是他的出生,背景和卓越辩才,赋予了他那些神奇特质。)

24、It is very much like the transition from fresco painting to oil painting.(这与从湿壁画技术到油画技术的转变十分类似。)

25、He turned to Teddy and asked, “What do you think of this old fresco?”(他转向泰迪,问道:“你觉得这幅古老的壁画怎么样?”)

26、curse your buying instant noodles without getting flavoring bags.(我诅咒你一辈子买方便面没有调料包。)

27、This week in the magazine, Fen Montaigne writes about penguins and climate change.(本周的杂志里,FenMontaigne描述了企鹅和气候变化。)

28、Sometimes we feel tired because we are lost in our life.

29、You want to have enough self-esteem to not need pity, enough gumption to take care of yourself, and enough smarts to stay away from bad people.(你需要的是足够的自我肯定,而不是自艾自怜,足够的进取心以照顾自己,足够的智慧以远离小人。)

30、good wet dry farrow crate feeder has advantage.(一个好的干湿饲喂产床有优势。)

31、You will see inside that there's a platter, but it's literally a floppy platter, even though the disks themselves are fairly firm plastic.(你会看到里面有一个磁盘,但它实际上是一个软盘,即使磁盘本身是相当坚固的塑料。)

32、The chef USES lemon flavoring in the cheesecake to make it a bit tangy.(厨师在起司蛋糕上加了柠檬香料来让蛋糕味道更浓一点。)

33、During this event, you will have to use 3 abilities depending on the crowd's mood. These abilities are: Inspire, Incite, and Pander.(在这个事件中,你将依照群众的情绪使用3个技能。这些技能包括:激励,煽动和迎合。)

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