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And learn a lesson in life each day that you live.活着的每一天里都要有所收获。~~我想你对这样一句话感兴趣?以下是小编收集整理的“英语美文短句摘抄大全精选43句”,欢迎分享给你的朋友!


1、Everyone is a moon. He has a dark side.

2、Most impotantly,if you LOVE someone, tell him or her,for you never know what tomorrow may have in store.


4、You are loved safely. You should have the courage to do anything.

5、No matter how tall people sometimes need to stand on tiptoe, and no matter how short people sometimes need to bend down.


7、Our house is bigger, but our family is smaller.我们的住房更大了,但我们的家庭却更小了;

8、Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again.

9、There’s a lot of non-sexy naked time.

10、The beauty of life lies not in its brilliance, but in its peace.


12、And then, suddenly, much less so.


14、Or they don’t, but you still tolerate them on occasion.

15、Don't be afraid to walk forward with a dream. You smile calmly only when you shed tears.


17、A penny saved is a penny gained省一文是一文。

18、Hold your head up because you have every right to.

19、If someone loves you,love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you,but because in a way, they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things.如果有人爱你,你要无条件地爱他们,不仅因为他们爱你,还因为他们教会了你去爱,以及如何敞开你的心扉、放开你的目光。

20、Today we have higher buildings and wider highways, but our temperament is more impatient and narrower.;今天我们拥有了更高层的楼宇以及更宽阔的公路,但是我们的性情却更为急躁,眼光也更加狭隘;







26、Do not think, so confused; Don't ask, so don't get; Don't ask, so I don't know.

27、The image of youth should be pure, enthusiastic and have the ability of correct criticism.


29、Maybe what I can do is not so much but I will always be with you 。

30、If others are wrong, laugh it off and don't expose others.

31、And learn a lesson in life each day that you live.


33、A body without knowledge is like a house without a foundation人无知犹如房屋无基。

34、Tigers have their own territories and tend to live on their own but do often roam larger areas as well, which means they can keep track of what their neighbors are doing.

35、People only live once. In the final analysis, we are all novices.


37、Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck.没有事情是偶然出现或运气使然。




41、一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and you. Even no the lord living e true, or having something to eat ise that things ething imperfectly than to do nothing flaent. Take the moment and make it perfect. 不要去等待完美的时刻,把握好现在,让此刻变完美。


43、And learn a lesson in life each day that you live.活着的每一天里都要有所收获。

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