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Gain calmly, lose indifferent, strive for certainty, let it be.~~句子虽短,但很有意义。或许你需要"情感语录经典英文短句(30条)"这样的内容,欢迎你阅读和收藏,并分享给身边的朋友!


1、离开后我依旧在关注,看到了你不需要我的时光。I am still concerned about the left, you do not see my time。



4、I collected about you all,but I do not know how much longer how long.

5、Dear friend, the life road is long, thank you, the years are quiet, because of you!


7、你知道的,失去你,我会失去活着的意义。You know, you lose, I will lose the meaning of living。

8、I use sunflowers to interpret sunshine.

9、I love a person who cant hug and cant hold hands or even get close to me.我喜欢上了个不能拥抱不能牵手甚至不能靠近的人。 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

10、因为我们面对着的,是 Because what we are facing is more disappearing and farewell.

11、Not every sad and helpless can be understood.

12、Let me love you and abandon me.

13、The sweet thing is loving you everyday and to be loved by you as well 。世界上最甜蜜的事,就是在喜欢你的每一天里被你喜欢。


15、For all the things you do, and is not worth, who also dont understand.


16、I want to smoke later. Tell me, Ill kiss you.

17、No can , but will 。没有可不可以,只有愿不愿意。


19、What a pity, many people do not want to lose, but can do nothing.

20、I dont want to be warm for a short time, as long as you are with me all my life.

21、Sometimes I just want to cry a lot. I cant express my emotion.

22、Its just the result of another persons heart.

23、You are not wrong, Im not wrong, is a gust of wind blew the commitment.

24、An unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time- sometime for forgetting、A badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding.

25、Come back early. Ill wait for you at home.


27、The wrong thing is that we should not always leave things to the sad love.

28、任何形式的索取都会有偿还的那一天。btain a copy of any form will have to repay that day。

29、The flow of blessings is surging, only hope you can be healthy and happy every day. good morning!

30、Gain calmly, lose indifferent, strive for certainty, let it be.

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